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Juegos Online > Ingenio > Sunshine Smoothies

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Información del juego

  • Juego compatible con el sistema de Records
  • Juego con pasarela de datos a mochigames
Título: Sunshine Smoothies
Tamaño: 2.8 Mb
Descripción: Ever had a stint working in a bar? The customers just keep on coming, the orders pile up, you are struggling to remember how to mix those smoothies and you start to run out of ingredients. Thats what Sunshine Smoothies is all about. Enjoy some free brain training and go mix those smoothies!
Valoración: 2.50
Pantalla completa Jugados: 1,206
Añadido: 14 Julio 2011
Añadido por: admin

Etiquetas: drinks, smoothies, bar, cocktail, make, sunshine, en, mochigames

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