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Juegos Online > Ingenio > Old Town Texas (Spot the Differences Game)

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Información del juego

  • Juego compatible con el sistema de Records
  • Juego con pasarela de datos a mochigames
Título: Old Town Texas (Spot the Differences Game)
Tamaño: 2.1 Mb
Descripción: Welcome to Old Town Texas. Here nothing has changed over the years, it is the way it was, when it was built. Prove the people wrong, observe images from today and back then, find the differences and prove something has changed. Game Features: 5 Fun Filled Levels 6 Achievements to Unlock
Valoración: 2.50
Pantalla completa Jugados: 1,186
Añadido: 14 Julio 2011
Añadido por: admin

Etiquetas: difference, differences, find, flash, games, search, spot, the, old, town, texas, en, mochigames

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